We are temporarily closed as we pray and seek out a new location.

JoCo DC Clothes the Community

Vicki Capps, Coordinator

The Why?

It warms my heart, to help people who are in need of clothing, not to be concerned about prices. One of my favorite memories is of a little boy, about to start kindergarten. His mother would hold up clothing she thought he would like, and he was so excited he would laugh and clap his hands. She told the volunteer how she had been very concerned, because she had no money to buy school clothes. Both mother and son went home happy and one little family made that event worthwhile.

Besides clothing giveaway events, we donate to JoCo Cares for the Homeless, pregnancy centers, local school clothing closets, recovery homes, and anyone who might be in need of clothing. This would not be possible without the generosity of donors. Thank You!

What We Do

Clothing Outreach Programs

We collect, sort, and distribute men’s, women’s, and children’s gently used clothing. Clothing is distributed through our outreach programs, our Transitions Home, to Recovery Homes and programs, and weekly out of our clothing closet. Check out our events page for more information.